Statewide Tornado Drill Wednesday, March 26th at 10AM
Iowa Severe Weather Awareness Week 2025 - Are YOU Weather Ready?
Severe Weather Awareness Week in Iowa is March 24-28, 2025. This week is an opportunity to review the severe weather hazards, exercise your sheltering plan, and increase awareness before the typical peak of severe weather season.
Each day of the week focuses on one topic. Monday’s subject covers lightning. Lightning is the most common thunderstorm hazard, striking the United States 25 million times each year. Annually, lightning kills about 20 people in the United States, with hundreds more severely injured. Remember, when thunder roars go indoors or when you see a flash, dash inside!
Tornadoes will be the focus on Tuesday. On average, 50 tornadoes are recorded in Iowa each year. The least likely thunderstorm hazard also carries the greatest potential impact. This is why every Tornado Warning should be taken seriously!
Wednesday’s topic will be preparedness. The statewide tornado drill at 10am will be started with a special weekly test of NOAA Weather Radio and this is a great time for Iowans to practice their severe weather plans whether at home, work, or school.
Hail and wind safety will be covered on Thursday. Severe thunderstorms are defined as containing wind gusts of 58 mph or higher and/or hail of 1 inch diameter or greater. Although occurrences can be any month of the year, they most typically occur April through July.
Finally, Friday will focus on flash floods, which is the leading cause of severe weather related deaths. Anytime you encounter flooding, remember “turn around, don’t drown”.
Taking time during Severe Weather Awareness Week to review your plans will make you weather ready as we head into Iowa’s severe weather season. The National Weather Service is available at and on Facebook and X/Twitter.
Monday - Lightning Safety
Tuesday - Tornado Safety
Wednesday - Preparedness
Thursday - Hail / Wind Safety
Friday - Flood Safety
National Weather Service (Iowa) Websites: Des Moines, Quad Cities, La Crosse, Sioux Falls, Omaha
National Weather Service (X/Twitter): Des Moines, Quad Cities, La Crosse, Sioux Falls, Omaha
National Weather Service (Facebook): Des Moines, Quad Cities, La Crosse, Sioux Falls, Omaha
National Weather Service Spring Safety Information
National Weather Service Des Moines Preparedness Website
National Weather Service Des Moines 2024 Spring Spotter Training Schedule
Emergency Notification System - Alert Iowa
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By creating an account you can access various alerts including road closures, parking alerts, boil water advisories, and more. Visitors can also sign up to receive notifications on specific weather categories to always stay informed.
You may also stay informed by downloading the new Smart911 App. Create a Smart911 account and start receiving targeted community and weather alerts by text message, voice call, or email.
Sign up by texting JASPERIA to 67283 or visit Once you are at the signup page you will be asked to create an account. You must provide:
When the app has been added to your phone, you will receive alerts while traveling from both state and local authorities across the country. Even in locations where Smart911 is not yet available in the 9-1-1 center.
posted 3/25/25
Jasper Ready App
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Alert Iowa Sign Up
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