Burn Ban has been lifted 11-4-2024
On October 2, 2024, the Office of the State Fire Marshal received a request pursuant to Iowa Code 100.40(1) (1995) from Jamey Robinson, representing each fire department having all or part of their fire district within Jasper County, that the State Fire Marshal prohibit open burning in Jasper County. Upon investigation the Fire Marshal finds that conditions in Jasper County are such that open burning constitutes a danger to life or property.
It is therefore ordered that no person shall engage in open burning in Jasper County, effective October 2, 2024 at 4:00 PM except as specifically permitted by Iowa Code 100.40() until such time as Jasmey Robinson, representing each fire department having all or part of their fire district within Jasper County, notifies the State Fire Marshal that such conditions dangerous to life or property no longer exits.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Iowa Code 100.40(2) any violation of this proclamation order is a simple misdmeanor.
Dan Wood
State Fire Marshal
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